WordPress is a content management system that has made designing of websites
a lot easier. You can create a professional website in a very short time. It is
very important to design websites that are appealing to the eye of the visitors
for the first impression matters a lot. Though you might be having rich
content, if you don't have a website that has the ability to entice the visitor
and engage them to stay for long, then the visitors might just click away
before they even have a look at your content.
If you are using two main colors throughout the pages, then an accent color that is unique will be perfect to draw attention from this limited palette. You can use the accent color on things like a special announcement that you will like the visitors to see at first glance when they visit the site, a special offer advertisement or some button that you want the visitors to click for some reason.
For the website to have a good look, you will need to choose only two colors and use them together with text that is black or dark grey in color. Stick to these colors for every page that you will create for the site.
Use custom fonts
Though the custom fonts may require you to play around with some piece of
code, they are worth it for they will help a great deal in reflecting the
personality of your brand and making your site look high class. They will make
your site stand out.Use images on your WordPress site
Images can play a very important role in complementing what you have to express in words. Make sure that you use images on your site, but you will have to make sure that they have been fine-tuned very well for use on the web. Save them in an appropriate size and then use a low resolution which still looks good in order to make the site load quickly. The images are a perfect way to capture the attention of the visitors to your site and also communicate on another level that words cannot be able to express.
Ensure that the words have been formatted properly on all the pages
Don't just throw the content all over the page. You need to organize it properly into subheads, short but appropriate paragraphs as well as bulleted lists to bring out the points clearly. That will give the visitors easy time when reading your content and make them stick around for a considerably longer time to read it.
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